Archive for the 'Science' Category

May 10th, 2006

English, google randomness, and theology…

“More clear” is clearer than “clearer” but “clearer” is correcter. That bugs me. When I checked, the top hit for “clearer” on Google was a page about why there isn’t stronger evidence of the existence of a Christian god. I read a few paragraphs of it, but it quickly degraded to Pascal’s Wager and I […]

January 3rd, 2006


Browsing through photos of bugs on Flickr, I found a reference to Thanks to that site, I saw a photo (taken near where I live) of a Jerusalem Cricket. I’ve never seen such a critter, but it’s a great looking bug! I used Google Images to find a relatively high resolution picture of a […]

November 16th, 2005

Power Lines

I work near power lines. They’re above the parking lot. When I walk through the parking lot, I hear them buzz and crackle. Why do they crackle and buzz? What’s really happening up there? Specifically, what causes the crackling sound? I suggested to a co-worker that it might be arcing, but he was skeptical, since […]

August 15th, 2005

Flying Stingy Thingy

I’m not sure exactly what type of flying stingy thingy this is… wasp, yellowjacket, or something. I’m considering spending more time studying insects, because it’d be nice to know about what I’m photographing and be able to say something more informative than “here’s a bug picture I took.” For now though, here’s a bug picture […]

July 30th, 2005

Why Spiders Curl Up When They Die

A couple of the six joints in a spider’s leg are hydraulic. The spider flexes muscles that increase pressure and straighten those joints. When the spider dies, those muscles relax and the legs curl up.

July 20th, 2005

Lost Spider and Arachnid

This spider was apparently lost. It was a good 10 miles from my house. I didn’t invite it home, though. I think other people should be able to enjoy spiders too. I spotted this arachnid (technically not a spider because it only has one body section) about 50 yards from where I found fuzzy face […]