Archive for the 'Humor' Category

January 11th, 2006


Something’s up. I’m talking about a conspiracy. There’s a parody of Yesterday, the Beatles song, called Leprosy (which I originally heard on Dr. Demento in the 80s). I’ve been googling for the lyrics, but all I’ve found are some failed attempts to recite it from memory (and some inferior attempts at original parody). WHY are […]

July 31st, 2005

Blue M&Ms

An excellent use of blue M&Ms that for some strange reason (maybe because it seems cruel) isn’t listed on Put them on display so people will ask why you have blue M&Ms on display. This serves a dual purpose — it humiliates the blue M&Ms, and helps educate the public. It is important that […]

July 29th, 2005

A Tragic Botanical Tale

This is my photo documentary of a pretty little plant’s journey to the dark side. Check out this pretty plant. Wouldn’t it be nice to have one of these in your garden? (Hint: Probably not.) Before long, the flower starts looking more like this. It’s still pretty, but past its prime. It doesn’t help that […]

July 21st, 2005

Red Dragonfly

This morning a red dragonfly landed in my back yard. I talked it into waiting around until I could get my camera. It was a surprisingly skilled model, occasionally changing position so I could get different angles. It even smiled for the camera, which I thought was odd. I didn’t know dragonflies could smile. I […]

July 20th, 2005

Lost Spider and Arachnid

This spider was apparently lost. It was a good 10 miles from my house. I didn’t invite it home, though. I think other people should be able to enjoy spiders too. I spotted this arachnid (technically not a spider because it only has one body section) about 50 yards from where I found fuzzy face […]

July 18th, 2005

Kids at Play

The following is a true story, as told by my wife. M is my 2-year old daughter. W is my 6-year old son. W: I’m Cyborg, who do you want to be? M: Batman! W: You can’t be Batman. How about Robin? M agreed and they ran off to fight bad guys. W (yelling): Robin, […]

July 18th, 2005

Distressed Snail

This morning I found a snail in my yard. Judging from its sad little frown, it wasn’t completely thrilled about being picked up. I put it back where I got it, though… and I think it forgave me. I hope I didn’t interrupt anything too important.

July 7th, 2005

Ecological Experimentation and Spider Racing

Recently my son and I saw a spider scurry across the wall. We talked it over, and we both agreed that although spiders can be pretty fast, a speeding bullet is definitely faster.